October 2024

Spirit of the Eagle

St. John the Evangelist ACC

Spiritual Tidbits & Rector’s Reflections for 

October 2024 from Father Tim

October 2024 and Fall has arrived. This month we have three Trinity Sundays and the last Sunday of the month is Christ the King (27th).  We have two BCP Days of Obligation this month. S. Luke, Evangelist & Martyr (18th) and Ss. Simon & Jude, Apostles & Martyrs (28th).  For those of you who like to remember the Virgin Mary there are two dates of celebration to note.  Holy Rosary, B.V.M. (7th) and the Motherhood, B.V.M. (11th).  Are we living with Jesus Christ as our King?  In our current time someone would without doubt ask, “What is a king?  The short answer would be, “A good king is a ruler who has authority over the land. A king is powerful, sovereign, and highly ranked above his subjects. A king is a respected leader, valuable, and inherits his position by right of birth. A king comes from a royal family. He is rightfully the king, not elected.”  You may have noticed this defines Christ the King, the King of kings.  Every morning we arise each of us should ask, “Will I obey my Ruler today?”  Each evening we retire each of us should ask, “Did Christ Jesus have authority over my thoughts and actions today?”  It is our duty as subjects of Christ the King to travel His highway.  What do the scriptures say?  An highway shall be there, and it shall be called The Way of Holiness. The wayfaring men shall not err therein. The redeemed shall walk there: and the ransomed of the Lord shall return, and come with singing unto Zion. ~ Isa. 35:8-10Jesus saith, I am the Way and the Truth and the Life: no one cometh unto the Father but through me. ~ John 14:6Having boldness to enter into the holy place by the blood of Jesus, by the Way which he dedicated for us, a new and living Way, through the veil – that is to say, the Way of his Flesh: let us draw near. ~ Heb. 10:19-22We will go along the King’s Highway: we will not turn aside, to the right hand nor to the left. ~ Num. 20:17.  We are being asked by the Word of God to come into a kingdom and submit our lives entirely to the King of kings.  An absolute monarch who has the right to determine everything without our consultation.  A King who through His Gospel calls on us to live in absolute submission and obedience.  He came to us as a child of poverty, but now reigns as King of Glory.  Who would not desire such a King?  I pray that this October Jesus is King of our lives, our thoughts, and our actions. ~ Father Tim


Do you know someone struggling with obedience in their life?  Do they struggle with authority?  Invite them to church in October.  It is in Christendom, in the Kingdom of God, they will find perfect leadership in Christ the King.  ~ Father Tim


Our relation to Christ is based on His death and resurrection and this means His Lordship. Indeed the Lordship of Christ over the lives of His people was the very purpose for which He died and rose again. We have to acknowledge Christ as our Lord. Sin is rebellion, and it is only as we surrender to Him as Lord that we receive our pardon from Him as our Savior. We have to admit Him to reign on the throne of the heart, and it is only when He is glorified in our hearts as King that the Holy Spirit enters and abides. ~ William Henry Griffith Thomas, 1861-1924, Anglican Cleric & Scholar


Do you know?

Do you know Saint John’s made a charitable donation to Hosea House Soup Kitchen in September?  Do you know our Book of Life Club will be discussing the book (Short Story) Leaf by Niggle by J.R.R. Tolkien in October followed by The Pilgrim’s Regress by C.S. Lewis?  Do you know our Usual Suspects Bible Study will conclude discussing the Lamentations of Jeremiah in October?   Do you know our Rule of Faith group has been meeting twice each month (see Chris Stockman for info)?  Do you know the large stained glass window renovation in the Nave is underway?  


Saint John October Ordo Kalendar

Wednesday, the 2nd of October, at 6:30 PM, Evening Prayer

Saturday, the 5th of Oct., at 1:30 PM, The Book of Life Club, Leaf by Niggle

Saturday, the 5th of Oct., at 2:00 PM, Afternoon Movie Review

Sunday, the 6th of October, at 10:30 AM, Trinity XIX Mass

Wednesday, the 9th of October, at 6:30 PM, Evening Prayer

Saturday, the 12th of October, at 7:30 AM, Rule of Faith Meeting

Sunday, the 13th of October, at 10:30 AM, Trinity XX Mass

Wednesday, the 16th of October, at 6:30 PM, Evening Prayer

Sat., the 19th of Oct., at 9:00 AM, Morning Prayer & Litany for Missions

Sat., the 19th of Oct., at 9:45 AM, The Usual Suspects Club, Bible Study Lineup

Sat., the 19th of Oct., at 11:00AM, The Book of Life Club, The Pilgrim’s Regress

Sunday, the 20th of October, at 10:30 AM, Trinity XXI Mass, Vestry Meeting

Wednesday, the 23rd of October, at 6:30 PM, Evening Prayer

Saturday, the 26th of October, at 7:30 AM, Rule of Faith Meeting

Sunday, the 27th of October, at 10:30 AM, Christ the King Mass

Wednesday, the 30th of October, at 6:30 PM, Evening Prayer


A man who was merely a man and said the sort of things Jesus said would not be a great moral teacher. He would either be a lunatic – on a level with the man who says he is a poached egg – or else the Devil of Hell. You must make your choice. Either this man was, and is, the Son of God: or else a madman or something worse. You can shut him up for a fool, you can spit at him and kill him as a demon, or you can fall at his feet and call him Lord and God. But let us not come with any patronizing nonsense about his being a great moral teacher. He has not left that open to us. He did not intend to. ~ C.S. Lewis, 1898-1963, British Writer, Literary Scholar, and Anglican Lay Theologian


People love God everywhere except on His throne. ~ Unknown Author


October Birthdays & Anniversaries

Michael Griswold – Birthday – October 13 

Jackson Bock – Birthday – October 14 

Virginia Jackson – Birthday – October 16 

Katie Craft – Birthday – October 17

Leslee Shelton – Birthday – October 24 

Sheila & Ben Myers – Anniversary – October 28 

Rick & Eileen Hanson – Anniversary – October 3


Why should we want to worship Jesus well?

The Word of God became flesh. The Son of God became man. The Lord of All became a servant. The Righteous One was made sin. The Eternal One tasted death. The Risen One now lives in men. The Seated One, the Lord of lords, the King of kings, is coming again. ~ Unknown Author


All the grace contained in [the Bible] is owing to Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior; and, unless we consent to Him as our Lord we cannot expect any benefit by Him as our Savior. ~ Matthew Henry, 1662-1714, British Minister & Author


Sharing Your Faith

Do you want to share your faith? I think most of us would say yes; we do want to share our faith, but sometimes something holds us back. For a lot of Christians, I think fear is that deterrent.  One such fear could be that someone will respond poorly to you being so forward about such a controversial topic as religion, that you’ll force a conversation that’s not there and it becomes awkward. This is a reasonable fear, but I think it arises from a misconception about what sharing our faith looks like. You may think that you’ve failed in the opportunity if you don’t give the full details of the gospel and invite the person to receive Christ right there on the spot. But in practice, it does not work this way. Think of growing vegetables; I’ve grown tomato plants before, and they do not always have tomatoes ready to be picked. Rather, there was always a lot that must be done before that point! First, a seed must be planted (other things need to happen, but we’ll get to those in due time). People’s hearts are the same way. Greg Koukl’s book Tactics gives a lot of helpful insights into starting and navigating conversations that can lead to sharing your faith. He has a lot to say on good questions to ask in these. Questions such as “What do you mean by that?” can serve as tools to advance a conversation on worldview topics in a completely natural, unforced way. For example: it’s fashionable to say “I believe in a woman’s right to choose.” What is a “right”? What is being chosen? What is a woman? Questions are disarming, and most people love to talk about themselves, so more often than not, they will gladly clarify what they mean. Many people will be forced to think and re-examine their beliefs merely by being asked to clarify! But step one in any such conversation with someone is to dignify them by listening; listen for a key phrase and ask what that means. Your posture of humility and sincerity can be disarming, plus it gives you the opportunity to learn! And that can be all that is required to plant a seed, so as you go about your life, look for opportunities to ask questions. Don’t underestimate what the Holy Spirit can do with a well-aimed question. ~ Chris Stockman


Thousands are deceived into supposing that they have “accepted Christ” as their “personal Saviour,” who have not first received Him as their Lord. The Son of God did not come here to save His people in their sin, but “from their sins” (Matt. 1:21). To be saved from sins, is to be saved from ignoring and despising the authority of God, it is to abandon the course of self-will and self-pleasing, it is to “forsake our way” (Isa. 55:7). It is to surrender to God’s authority, to yield to His dominion, to give ourselves over to be ruled by Him. ~ A.W. Pink, 1886-1952, English Bible Teacher & Author


I Am the Christ.

Come, then, all you nations of men,

receive forgiveness for the sins which defile you.

I Am your Forgiveness.

I Am the Passover which brings salvation.

I Am the Lamb Who was immolated for you.

I Am your Ransom, your Life,

your Resurrection, your Light,

I am your Salvation and your King.

I will bring you to the heights of Heaven.

With My own Right Hand I will raise you up

and I will show you the Eternal Father.

~ Saint Melito of Sardis, 100-180 AD, Apologist & Bishop of Sardis


The seeking of Jesus Christ and the quest for chivalry combined lead directly to one place only: Anglican-Catholicism.  Courage, honor, courtesy, justice, and a readiness to help and defend the weak and the poor.  Welcome to the Anglican Catholic Church. ~ Father Timothy Butler