February 2021

Spirit of the Eagle
St. John the Evangelist ACC

Spiritual Tidbits & Rector’s Reflections for
February 2021 from Father Tim

The Gesima days arrived quickly this year, right along with February. Candlemas, a day I hope to observe if Janet and I eventually live closer to the church, is on the 2nd of February. Ash Wednesday and Lent arrive on the 17th. The feast of S. Matthias is on the 24th and kicks off the Ember Days in Lent (24th, 26th, and 27th). At Saint John’s we’ve recently had many joyful celebrations. The birth of Jesus the Christ-child, His naming and Circumcision, and the first Gentiles worshiped Him on Epiphany. But now the Pre-Lenten Season has arrived with the Gesima Days and change is in the air. Even as we recall the joyful birth of Christ we remember He was born to die for us. As we recall the blood He shed during the Circumcision, which placed Him under the Law, we remember the blood He will soon shed hanging on the cross, which redeems us from under the Law. At Epiphany we heard how the Three Gentile Kings who came to worship and adore Him had to return home by a different way, as the Way of all who find Him is different afterward. The Gesima days remind us, prepare us, for that different way. Lent will arrive very soon. A change is coming. I hope and pray all of you will travel that different Way toward Truth and Life, along with me, this February. ~ Father Tim


Is there someone in your life who does not seek the Way, and the Truth, and the Life? Do they spend their Gesima days seeking Valentine candy, or their Lent waiting for better weather? Pre-Lent and Lent is the best time of the year to contemplate the brevity of earthly life and the infinite length of eternal life. This is a very holy season to speak with a lost soul about the false messiahs which will suffer a worldly death, and the true Messiah which will grant eternal life. ~ Father Tim


Pray as if God will take care of all; act as if all is up to you. ~ S. Ignatius, Bishop and Martyr, feast day 1st of February


Did you know?

Did you know that major window repair is going on right now at Saint John’s? Did you know a slow but steady renovation of the downstairs continues at Saint John’s? Did you know the Saint John garden is being prepared for a refresh this Spring? Did you know that Saint John’s made a nice donation to the Dayton Resource Center in December and to the Northern KY Women’s Crisis Center in January?


Jesus Christ, Lord of all things! You see my heart, You know my desires. Possess all that I am – You alone. I am Your sheep. Make me worthy to overcome the devil. ~ S. Agatha, Virgin and Martyr, feast day 5th day of February


St. John February Ordo Kalendar

Wednesday, the 3rd of February at 6:30 PM, Evening Prayer
Sunday, the 7th of February at 10:30 AM, Sexagesima
Wednesday, the 10th of February at 6:30 PM, Evening Prayer
Sun., the 14th of Feb. 10:30 AM, Quinquagesima, Shrove Tue. Coffee Hour
Wed., the 17th of February at 12:00 PM, Mass and Imposition of Ashes
Wed., the 17th of Feb. at 6:00 PM, Evening Prayer and Imposition of Ashes
Sunday, the 21st of February at 10:30 AM, Lent I
Wednesday, the 24th of Feb. at 6:30 PM, Evening Prayer, S. Matthias, AP.M.
Sunday, the 28th of February at 10:30 AM, Lent II


As two pieces of wax fused together make one, so he who receives Holy Communion is so united with Christ that Christ is in him and he is in Christ. If the poison of pride is swelling up in you, turn to the Eucharist; and that Bread, Which is your God humbling and disguising Himself, will teach you humility. If the fever of selfish greed rages in you, feed on this Bread; and you will learn generosity. If the cold wind of coveting withers you, hasten to the Bread of Angels; and charity will come to blossom in your heart. If you feel the itch of intemperance, nourish yourself with the Flesh and Blood of Christ, Who practiced heroic self-control during His earthly life; and you will become temperate. If you are lazy and sluggish about spiritual things, strengthen yourself with this heavenly Food; and you will grow fervent. Lastly, if you feel scorched by the fever of impurity, go to the banquet of the Angels; and the spotless Flesh of Christ will make you pure and chaste. ~ S. Cyril of Alexandria, Bishop, Confessor, Doctor, feast day the 9th day of February


February Birthdays & Anniversaries

Sally Whalen – Birthday – February 6
Helena “Lennie” Fisher – Birthday – February 11
Ruth & Mike Lenz – Anniversary – February 16
Carrie Moore – Birthday – February 18
Bob Petrie – Birthday – February 23


I asked you and you would not listen; so I asked my God and He did listen. ~ S. Scholastica, Virgin, feast day the 10th day of February



Storms make the oak grow deeper roots. ~ Blessed George Herbert, commemoration day the 27th of February


Ash Wednesday of course is the first day of Lent – which is the period of self-restraint and abstention for Christians prior to Easter. It marks the first day of fasting, repentance, prayer, and self-control. Luxury or rich foods, such as meat and dairy, should be avoided by those taking part in a Holy Lent. Abstention from personal “bad habits” such as too much TV, too much social media, or consuming too much sugar should be implemented as well. Nothing prepares us for a glorious Easter better than a Holy Lent. Why should we sacrifice something in our lives that is so meaningful to us? As Bishop Starks wrote once, “ Does not His perfect sacrifice deserve our sacrifice this Lent? This is the WHY of our offering. This is WHY we chose to deprive ourselves. We sacrifice that we may show Him that we do love Him and are ready to open up completely to His will in our lives.” It all begins with enough self-control to come to church and receive the Ashes. ​​~ Father Tim


Ash Wednesday
Yes—deep within and deeper yet
The rankling shaft of conscience hide,
Quick let the swelling eye forget
The tears that in the heart abide.
Calm be the voice, the aspect bold,
No shuddering pass o’er lip or brow,
For why should Innocence be told
The pangs that guilty spirits bow?
~ John Keble, ​The Christian Year


The seeking of Jesus Christ, and the quest for chivalry combined, lead directly to one place only: Anglican-Catholicism. Courage, honor, courtesy, justice, and a readiness to help and defend the weak and the poor. Welcome to the Anglican Catholic Church. ~ Father Timothy Butler