Spirit of the Eagle – August 2019
Spirit of the Eagle
St. John the Evangelist ACC
Spiritual Tidbits & Rector’s Reflections for
August 2019 from Father Tim
August is commonly considered a transitional month in our seasonal calendar. It is the time of the year we begin to wind-down from our summer travels and vacations. Our thoughts begin to prepare for Autumn — back to school for children, fall festivals for families, harvest time in the country, and so forth. The Church in her holy wisdom has provided a cycle of events in its liturgical year which allow remnant Christians to celebrate the major feasts in the life of Jesus the Christ. Most notably, during August, we celebrate the feast of the Transfiguration (6th of August) and the feast of the Assumption (15th of August). The days of summer have provided a welcome change of pace. However, while a vacation affords us the time to relax and refresh, the change of habits and routines can also have a negative impact on our spiritual lives. As if to reignite us, the Holy Church offers us several Saints and holy days as examples of the virtue of perseverance: St. Peter’s Chains, Blessed John Mason Neale, and the Saints Hippolytus & Cassian. August also contains; the apostle, St. Bartholomew; two great Doctors of the Church, St. Augustine and St. Bernard, and that famous and holy deacon, St. Laurence, who joked with his executioners while being roasted alive. This month we learn it is never too late to begin — as the life of the reformed sinner, St. Augustine teaches us — nor too difficult to begin again, as demonstrated by the “born again” Saint Nicodemus (3rd of August). We present day members of the Mystical Body are certain of the glorious reward to which we are called — Christ’s Transfigured body. I pray your August if full of virtue, perseverance, and reward. ~ Father Tim
God knows our situation; He will not judge us as if we had no difficulties to overcome. What matters is the sincerity and perseverance of our will to overcome them. . . What saves a man is to take a step. Then another step. ~ C. S. Lewis
Is there someone in your life who needs a change of habits? Are they reckless, empty, struggling and could use some perseverance? August is a wonderful month to invite someone to visit St. John’s, possibly on our coffee hour. Could this August bring eternal hope to someone you know? The experience must come from a true commitment by each person as they begin their own personal pilgrimage which leads to the Good Shepherd. ~ Father Tim
Our motto must continue to be perseverance. And ultimately I trust the Almighty will crown our efforts with success. ~ William Wilberforce
August Spirituality Class
In August we will be continuing our transitional class with both Spirituality and Bible Study. The class in August will cover The Bible and its stance on Magic and Mediums. The study of God’s word is central to the life and mission of our parish church of St. John the Evangelist. Please join us after Holy Mass on the 18th of August for an engaging, dynamic, and informative exploration of the Holy Scriptures. All are welcome, but be warned: continued exposure to God’s word will change your life.
St. John August Ordo Kalendar
Sunday, the 4th of Aug. at 10:30 AM, we celebrate Trinity VII, Vestry Meeting
Sunday, the 11th of Aug. at 10:30 AM, we celebrate Trinity VIII, Coffee Hour
Sunday, the 18th of August at 10:30 AM, we celebrate Trinity IX, Bible Study
Sunday, the 25th of August at 10:30 AM, we celebrate Trinity X

August Birthdays & Anniversaries
Andrew and Britt Masters – Anniversary – August 8
Janet Butler – Birthday – August 28
Savannah Butler – Birthday – August 29
Sheltered under the name of Jesus Christ, I do not fear these pains, for they do not last long. Learn, unhappy man, how great is the power of my God; for your burning coals give me refreshment but they will be your eternal punishment. ~ St. Laurence, Archdeacon of Rome and Martyr
AS we have already seen, when Jesus Christ came, the Jewish Church, with its divinely-appointed ministry, existed in its full strength. God had taken one tribe out of the twelve to be the priestly tribe, and one family of that tribe to bear the highest office of the priesthood. His choice fell upon the tribe of Levi, and, in it, on the family of Aaron. Members of this tribe and family alone formed the divinely-appointed ministers of the Jewish Church.
But this order, which typified the priesthood of our Lord, was not intended to continue when He came. It was the will of God that the Aaronic Priesthood should pass away, and that a better and more enduring priesthood should take its place. The priesthood which was to supplant it was that which had been prefigured in the days of Abraham by the mysterious Melchisedec, of whom we read in the fourteenth chapter of Genesis.
It is important that we should see wherein the difference between the priesthood of Aaron, and that of Melchisedec lay. In what way was the latter superior to the former, that it should supplant it ?
The priesthood of Aaron was hereditary, being handed down from father to son ; it was but for a time, and was destined to pass away. The priesthood of Melchisedec was inherent in himself, and independent of others ; it was to endure unto the end of time. Moreover, there was a feature in the priesthood of Melchisedec which was wanting in that of Aaron. Aaron was a priest simply : Melchisedec was a king as well as a priest. Melchisedec is described as ” king of Salem, priest of the most high God.”
To be continued . . . .
Vernon Staley, The Catholic Religion, A MANUAL OF INSTRUCTION FOR
St. John church family End of Summer Picnic coming up on Sunday, the 22nd of September. Mark your calendars now! Invite family and friends! We will have the usual 10:30 Mass at St. John’s, and then head out to the Highland Heights City Park. Please come along for fellowship and fun!
A warm welcome to our new organist, Martha Sue Renner. She decided in July to bring her musical gifts, her kindness, and her gentle and friendly manner to our Saint John church family. Martha and I will add more and more musical parts each week as she acquaints herself to our higher Mass. We appreciate your patience as we learn together! ~ Father Tim
The seeking of Jesus Christ, and the quest for chivalry combined, lead directly to one place only: Anglican-Catholicism. Courage, honor, courtesy, justice, and a readiness to help and defend the weak and the poor. Welcome to the Anglican Catholic Church. ~ Father Timothy Butler