Bulletin – April 6, 2014





St. John the Evangelist
Anglican Catholic Church

619 O’Fallon Avenue, Dayton, Kentucky 41074
Tel: 859-261-8173


Passion Sunday, April 6th, 2014

Rev. Bryan Newman: Rector
Cell: 812-290-5188
e-mail: frnewmanbk@gmail.com

Rev. Timothy Butler: Curate
Tel: 606-883-3907
e-mail: timp.butler@gmail.com

Rev. Canon William Neuroth: Rector Emeritus
Tel: 859-781-6328
e-mail: wmneuroth@hotmail.com

Passion Sunday, April 6th, 2014

The Entrance Rite

Be thoughtful, be silent, be reverent, for you are in the House of the Lord. Speak to God before the service, let God speak to you during the service; and speak to each other after the service.

Organ Prelude				  	Chuck Garwitz
Processional Hymn 	 	 	 	Hymnal 332
Collect for Purity		    	 	Prayer Book 67
Kyrie Eleison (Kneel)			    	Prayer Book 70
Collect for the Day			   	Prayer Book 132

The Liturgy of the Word

Epistle - Hebrews 9:11				Prayer Book 132
Gospel Hymn					Hymnal 339
Gospel - St. John 8:46  	            	Prayer Book 133
Nicene Creed (Stand)			    	Prayer Book 71
Sermon (Sit)				    	Fr. Neuroth

The Liturgy of the Eucharist

Offertory Sentence (Stand)			
Offertory Hymn 		 			Hymnal 71, 1st tune
Presentation Hymn				Hymnal 139
Bidding Prayers (Stand)

Priest: Pray brethren that my sacrifice and yours may be acceptable to God Almighty
People: May the Lord receive this sacrifice at thy hands, to the praise and Glory of His Name, Both to our benefit and that of all His Holy Church.

Prayer for the Whole Church (Kneel)	    	Prayer Book 74
Confession (Kneel)			    	Prayer Book 75
Preface, Sanctus, and Benedictus (Kneel)	 
Prayer of Consecration (Kneel)	    		Prayer Book 80
The Lord’s Prayer (Kneel)		    	Prayer Book 82
Prayer of Humble Access		    		Prayer Book 82
Agnus Dei (Kneel)			
Communion Hymn – One Bread, One Body  		Insert
Prayer of Thanksgiving (Kneel)	    		Prayer Book 83
Hymn in place of Gloria		    		Hymnal 209
Post Communion Collect (Kneel)
Final Blessing (Kneel)				Prayer Book 97
Recessional Hymn 				Hymnal 337

The liturgical color is violet throughout Lent. The Gloria in excelsis is not said. The Deacon’s Dismissal is, ‘Let us Bless the Lord,’ The response is, ‘Thanks be to God.


News from the Eagles Nest

Notes From the Rector

Today, the Cornish twins, Jesse & Lillian, will be baptized into Christ’s Church. Their parents, Robby and Rachel are providing a special Coffee Hour after today’s Mass is concluded.

Stations of the Cross every Wed, after Holy Mass, until Holy Week.

Lenten Soup and Salad Dinners have returned! Our Lenten Soup & Salad Dinners take place every Wed. night after Mass & Stations of the Cross until Holy Week. Please join us for food and fellowship.

Remember to bring the children in your life to our Sunday School! Ms. Kim has 20+ years in children’s Christian education and those that have attended have loved the class. Your children will enjoy & learn in it too.

Congratulations to Katie Craft, whom the Vestry has selected to be St. John’s official babysitter, succeeding Rachel Barnett, who has retired to pursue her college education. Katie will report to Mrs. Newman our Sunday School teacher. Thanks to everyone who expressed interest in the position and please wish Katie well as she begins her new career.

+++Parish Prayer List+++

Military: Dustin Meadows, Dave Meadows, Devan Smith
Illness: Evelyn Anast, Trudy Bauer, Edie Brady, Donna Davis, Matt Davis, Janet Dosch, Donna Dumford, Ethel Fahlbush, Diane Fisette, Helen Foster, Della Funk, Tayann Grimme, Jim & Toy Hall, Eileen Hanson, Wilma Herklotz, Sue Hemming, Francis Hogan, Carolyn Holland, Robert Hooks, Fr. Al & Kathy Hougham, Lena Hughes, Tom Hulsey, Donna & John Lipscomb, Bob Lockman, Juanita Marvin, Claire & Chris Miller, Peggy Minor, Susan Moore, Autumn Nelson, Jammie Nelson, Irene Nelson, Pansy Newman, Scott Orcena, Amy Petrie, Don Prigge, Liz & Michael Robbins, Rita St.John, Sabrina St.John, Bob Schmerge, Lori Seyberth, Brenda Strong, Tristan Tong, Morgan Tucker, Sharon Watt, Sally Whalen, David Wilson, Erin Yates, Fr. James Ryerson, & Dom Benedict

April Anniv: Robert Hooks 4/22, Mike & Julie Murray 4/28.
April Birthdays: Brittany Butler 4/13, Ethan Whalen 4/15, Carol Petrie 4/22, Wilma Herklotz 4/25.

Special Contributions: The silver bowl in the entrance of the Church is for contributions to the needs below: Contributions are appreciated.
First Sunday = Rector’s Discretionary Fund
Second Sunday = Inter-Faith Hospitality for Homeless Families
Third Sunday = Sunday School program
Fourth Sunday = Anglican Catholic message promotion
Fifth Sunday = Altar Guild